Gonstead Physical Medicine UNFILTERED
The show for people who want to optimize their life and be great. Learn how you can build your mindset and health to dominate your career, fitness, relationships and life.Learn to be responsible for everything that happens in your life so that you have the power and control to change your circumstances.
Gonstead Physical Medicine UNFILTERED
Leaving Depression In The Darkness
Tony Del Angel
Episode 17
In this episode, we have a guest patient Kathy who overcame years of dealing with depression and being able to get off of her anti-depression medication with the services in our office. She describes what her depression felt like and how she was able to get her life back by utilizing the services at Gonstead. She has been off of her medication for several months now and is enjoying her life again!
Website: www.gonstead-nm.com
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Email: drtony@gonsteadnm.com
IG: @Gonstead.nm